Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mars, Venus, Or Planet Earth

I always thought that men and women were different. We have some crucial differences physically and I also thought that women’s way of thinking was, as John Gray says, from another planet. But we the truth is that we have more in common than we are distant neighbors from across space.

Kimmel’s critique on this mentality was an eye opener for me, because I felt that was speaking towards a man’s heart. He mentioned the four rules of masculinity, and I agree that when I think of masculinity, those are the rules that men should follow. But me as a man, I don’t always follow these rules. Wow I always break these rules! Does that make me less of a man? Or does it make me feel insecure about my masculinity? In society, as Kimmel said, we men try to prove to ourselves that we are masculine by making gender invisible. We insult other men to try to always prove to ourselves that we are the manliest person in the group.

One way of making gender visible is to make young men feel confident, safe and secure about their masculinity. That also means to create gender equality and to confront men’s sense of entitlement. We men are supposed to have it all and when we give up that upper hand, women win and men lose. But that’s not true. Once we learn to learn about our privileges, we would begin to understand how women feel and we would be able to be cooperative to each other and live “on the same planet”.


  1. Terrific post and good analysis of Kimmel. I actually didn't like the lecture much but I appreciate your perspective and will likely revisit it now.

    Hmmm, I guess I'm really starting to understand how the blogging and comments add to the material.

  2. Hey great post,
    When he was listing off those four rules of masculinity, I could definitely relate to that as well because its basically what we as men are being taught from parents/peers/relatives/whoever as we are growing up. I think its important now to show young men that its ok to show emotion and to be kind, considerate and to help out in a home environment rather then just preach to them about their future career.
